Toad Sweat Blintzes


Crepe Batter:

  • 2 medium eggs
  • 30ml canola oil
  • 250ml milk
  • 100g sifted flour
  • 4g salt

    Cheese Filling:
  • 120g cream cheese
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 120g cottage or ricotta cheese
  • 60ml Toad Sweat flavour of your choice
  • 5ml vanilla extract

    Beat eggs, oil, and milk. Add flour and salt, beating until very smooth. Chill 30 minutes; it should be like heavy cream. If too thick, add a little milk. Grease 8-inch hot skillet with light coating of butter. Pour 3 to 4 Tablespoons batter into the skillet, turning pan to coat it with the thin batter. Fry lightly on one side until top is dry. Repeat with remaining batter.

    Stack crepes on waxed paper, brown side up. Beat filling ingredients together until smooth. Fill each crepe with 2 heaping tablespoons of filling and roll up egg roll style by folding in sides of crepe over filling. May be frozen at this point, then fried without defrosting.

    Melt 30g unsalted butter over medium heat in large skillet. Fry crepes until golden brown on all sides. Serve with sour cream and/or fruit preserves.
    Makes: 10 to 12 crepes.

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